
Hateful, rotten, horrible things about the idiot in the whitehouse

Saturday, February 14, 2004

What a week! 

Well, Happy Valentines Day, anyway. At least there was some good news coming out of Massachusetts (is that spelled right? There oughta be a law against states whose names you can't spell). The 'liberal' state tried to pass a marriage amendment that would prohibit same-sex weddings.

Now, really. Can't people see that this is the same stuff that went down about interracial marriages? The only difference is that some people actually think they have a chance of passing this kind of amendment. Monkey boy georgie has said he'd support an amendment to the constitution hasn't he? And Kerry! Two years ago he was all for it, now he has to pull back from the edge because Americans appear to be closed minded about who other people fall in love with. It's a damn shame when democrats have to stand by the idea of denying others basic, essential human rights (rites?).

Look. Marriage is a religious concept. You can go stand in front of a priest and get married without the paper from the state. It won't have any legal binding on an Earthly plane, but in the eyes of god you'll be joined forever. You can also get all the paper you want from the state and if the church won't marry you, you ain't gettin hitched. My ol' lady is Jewish... just try to find me a roman Catholic Priest who (when he's not busy with the alterboys) would marry us. We could have a marriage license from every state in the union and the blessing of Monkey boy georgie himself, even Asscraft could sign on, and that Roman Catholic Priest ain't marrying no Jewess in his Holy Roman Church.

The point to all this is that marriage is a religious issue, not a state issue. (religion? state? church? state? Ohhhhh,now I see where you're going!) If my religion, Holy Moly Scroffism, states it's not only acceptable, but preferrable to marry the same sex, what business is it of the states? I know, thats an extreme example, but it makes the point. What people are saying is that they don't want to encourage same sex marriages by allowing them the same rights and priveledges of us straight folk. They say same sex marriage will destroy the family as we know it. They may be right. Marriage and the family as we know it has been on the way out for some time now, ever since Sally found out she didn't need to go from under daddy's wing to under hubby's wing, and men folk are scared... afraid that their place in society might suffer. Just maybe it's time for marriage as we know it to fall by the waysides, maybe then we can pay closer attention to the needs of alternative family styles... things like single parent households... things like childcare... things like allowing non married couples to share benefits, rights, and estates... all those radical new ideas.

Back to the good news... The Massachusetts convention was held as a reaction to the ruling by the state's high court that same-sex couples cannot be denied marriage licenses under the state constitution. It lost... 103-96. Close, but good enough.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

AWOL Monkey... what a twit 

That arrogant little shit is your president. He was AWOL from his guard position for at least a year because he was a rich little punk that thought he could he could get away with anything he wanted, a rich little Senator's son... and poppy bush took good care of his boy... made damn sure his little boy wouldn't get dismantled in Vietnam. And little boy georgie took it and ran... oh yea, he'd fly those planes, that was a thrill a second, a thrill paid for by the taxpayors, a waste of money because little boy georgie knew damn well he'd never leave the states.
This is not to denigrate anyone's guard service, this is not about the guard. When republicons and good right wanker sprout supporters try to deflect the argument (as monkey boy himself tried to do in his Meet the Press interview today) by saying something incredibly stupid like "How dare you disrespect Guard units!" tell them monkey boy himself disrespected the Guard units by trying to say his service was as honorable as anybody elses. Besides, this is not about the Guard, it's about a lying little monkey.

Bush on Meet the Press 

If you missed it you missed a classic. The little monkey was all by himself looking 100% the fool that he is... all hunched over with that little "I smell shit" look on his weasley pinched face. What an idiot, stuttering and stammering over the easiest questions. Not once did he have the balls to say anything even close to "I may have been wrong".

He said he got an honorable discharge from the Guard and that should be proof he served "honorably". Bullshit Mr. Prez. You got in as a favor to your daddy after scoring one of the lowest scores in history, jumping over 500 other men who were more qualified... you managed some kind of basket leave shit to dodge your orders for about a year, then got an eight month school cut to go to Harvard Business School (how you got in there is another story in itself)... what's the stretch to think you got an honorable the same way... handed to you. I got out of the marines with an honorable... after 13 Article 15s... and I got a two month school cut... and my daddy doesn't rub elbows with congressman.

Yer fulla shit prez.

Well, the name says it all. I think George W. Bush is a twit and I'm starting this blog so I can vent my spleen on a regular basis. I don't have to tell you why I think he's a twit, but I might give specific examples if I feel like it. I just want to be able to say my piece.

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