
Hateful, rotten, horrible things about the idiot in the whitehouse

Friday, July 09, 2004

Just s'more 

Bush is such a dipshit. Have you noticed that? Today Tom Ridge comes out and says there's an increased chance of a terrorist strike of major proportions in an attempt to 'disrupt national elections'. What bullshit. If that's the case why not raise the level in their fancy dancy little terra bar?

What it was was an attempt to disrupt the flow of momentum began by the naming of Edwards as Kerry's VP.

This week Bush is asked what the difference is between Edwards and Cheney and replies "Cheney could be president."

Really? So what's all this talk about taking Cheney off the ticket and replacing him with *gasp* Powell or McCain? Jesus, talk about a two faced flip flopper!

The other, more sinister thing this Ridge announcement was was a set up for Bush to disrupt the national elections. Picture it. Ridge announces now that there's evidence of a terrorist strike that is intended to disrupt the elections... sometime in October, if the Pakistanis don't produce bin Laden as Bush has requested, Ridge raises the threat to Orange or Red, because, well, we told you back in July there was increased evidence of a strike to disrupt the elections. In order to protect the "integrity" of the elections, Bush declares a national emergency and issues a decree to suspend the elections.

Sound far fetched? Some people have stated that someone flying planes into skyscrapers sounded far fetched before September 11, 2001.

Remember as you freak out in November, you heard it here first!

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