
Hateful, rotten, horrible things about the idiot in the whitehouse

Saturday, May 08, 2004

No shit! 

Well, it's been a long time since I posted here, and for anyone who has checked in I apologize. Don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of things that sprout the smirking chimp has done to solidify his twitness.

First of all he's an ugly bastard. Especially when he's stuck for an answer and he creases his monkey brow and purses his little 'how can anyone kiss them' lips. The last thing he did that pops into my head was his WMD jokes. Did you see that? What a pathetic joke he is, stupid bastard making jokes about his pack of bullshit while people are dying horrible deaths for his stupidity. Oh, no wait, that's right, we're now liberating the Iraqis. Liberating Iraq for a new commercial market for Disney... oh yea, Disney, the folks who brought you censorship!

Speaking of Disney, have you heard about the new Iraqi theme park? It's called Abu Ghraib and the most popular attraction seems to be Saddam redux. Your friendly guide, Lynndie England, will show you through the ropes.

Oh, poor poor Lynndie! What a horrible thing to happen to her! She's just a kid from a Virginia trailer park... just a kid caught in a horrible misunderstanding. Destiny Goin blames the Army! "It's just unjust, is what it is," Goin said. Oh yea, it's unjust alright. Now, I'm a good liberal, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't know how, but it is possible that she didn't mean to do these things, but she looks like she's having a bit too much fun torturing other human beings. Oh, wait, I forgot, these aren't human beings these are thugs. Right, how stupid of me. The photos were put on discs and passed around like the latest Star Wars disc. Another boring night in Abu Ghraib? Hey! I know! Let's check out the latest disc from the guards! What fun!

Oh but wait... there's more yet to come. Ronald Dumsfeld tells the panel today that there are MORE photos, and golly gee! there's video too! Then the impetuous buffoon actually makes a threat! Good golly gosh, he says, things will get WORSE if those videos and pictures are released!!

Well, I don't see what all the fuss is about, do you? Midge Decter, a dingbat who supports sprout the smirking chimp, thinks the fuss about the 'hazing' is just election year politics. "This new scandal is no more than an election-season opportunity seized by certain serious opponents of the war, along with many more unserious opponents of the Bush administration." Oooh Midge... did your mother have any kids that lived??

So what does any of this have to do with the smirking chimp? Well, lets follow the money, shall we? Or in this case the chain of command......

Now. I may not have all the pieces here... if I don't please let me know...

There's this woman, Janis Karpinski. She's a quiet business consultant in real life, but when she gets to play Army she's a Brigadier General! She also happened to be the Brigadier General in charge of Abu Ghraib, sort of like a cross between Walt Disney and the Marquis de Sade, until she was quietly admonished and relieved of her duties when this thing first broke loose and an Army investigation began. According to the New Yorker,

"In an interview last December with the St. Petersburg Times, she said that, for many of the Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghraib, living conditions now are better in prison than at home. At one point we were concerned that they wouldn't want to leave."

Aww, that's so sweet! That was before she was suspended. Now, can anybody really tell me that a Brigadier General can be relieved of her duties and suspended and the Commander in Chief not know about it? Well, that's exactly what they will say, if they haven't already. But wait, wait, it still gets better. In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, May 4, 2004, she denied having any knowledge of the torture! It's possible, I suppose. But for smirk to say he had no knowledge of the abuse is absurd. Brigadier Generals do not get relieved of command without a few ripples. Of course, we all know the CiC likes to stay stupid. "Just tell me what I need to know today!"

Enter Major General Antonio M. Taguba. Here's an interesting fella. He was ordered by Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior commander in Iraq, to investigate the allegations of abuse. According to The New Yorker,

"Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses” at Abu Ghraib. This systematic and illegal abuse of detainees, Taguba reported, was perpetrated by soldiers of the 372nd Military Police Company, and also by members of the American intelligence community"

Guess who didn't read the report? Rummy claims he just read the summary, and I guess he didn't think it was worth telling his boss about any of this. Why disturb him, let the poor boy sleep for goodness sakes! He has a tough week at his ranch coming up! Or.... did he tell his boss? That would be the logical thing to do, right?

"Shit, George, if this crap gets out Kerry will be all over it!"

But nah, sprout the wonder chimp never got wind of it. (uh huh)

Oh, but wait, patient reader! There is still more!!!

Provost Marshal Donald Ryder, a major general reported last fall that there were system wide problems. Ah, but what the hell, it's not like sprout knew about that report either. If anyone gave it to him it probably sat on his desk until he threw it away. After all, I mean, come on! He's much too busy to have time to read any reports (let alone the newspaper)! That's what he has a cabinet for, that's why they meet every morning, so he can be kept informed of what's really important... his latest approval rating.

Ah and now for the final stroke. The Red Cross, that commie, un-American organization that wants to tear down this country along with the UN and the WTO, er no wait, oh, never mind. The International Committee of the Red Cross has been warning of abuse since shortly after the invasion. They specifically reported abuse to Janis Karpinski and Bremer as far back as March 2003, but she knew nothing about any of it. Not only that, there are reports that this is more widespread than Rummy or several others care to admit. The Brits have published photos of their troops urinating on Iraqis, isn't that special? And, ready for this? A private contractor, Titan Corp., "a leading provider of comprehensive information and communications products, solutions, and services for National Security. Serving the Department of Defense, intelligence agencies, and other government customers" provided some of the 'intelligence specialists' at Abu Ghraib.

On Monday, March 29, 2004, Riverbend of Baghdad Burning wrote a piece about a woman who was taken and held in Abu Ghraib, where "after witnessing several beatings and the rape of a male prisoner by one of the jailors- in mid-January, [she] was suddenly set free." She most likely received a hailstorm of email about how full of shit she was... I suggest several people owe her an apology for their responses. For her, an apology for a nasty e-mail might be appropriate... for Rumsfeld and Bush, and, unfortunately, by extension, all Americans and the troops, I seriously doubt it will cut the mustard.

Well, smirky, can you say "Bring em on"?

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